Cheryl Glenn, Distinguished Professor of English and Women’s Studies, released her new monograph, Rhetorical Feminism and This Thing Called Hope,

Ebony Coletu has been selected for a Fulbright award to the African Regional Research Program.

Congratulations to Julia Kasdorf, who received a grant from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts for the creation of a folk opera

Best wishes to Elizabeth Kadetsky, whose collection The Memory Eaters has been awarded the inaugural Juniper Prize for Creative Nonfiction!

Congratulations to Cheryl Glenn, Distinguished Professor of English and Women’s Studies and Director of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric, for winning the 2019 Exemplar Award from the Conference on College Composition & Communication.

Dismantlings (2019)

In A Desire Called America: Biopolitics, Utopia, and the Literary Commons, Christian P.

Jonathan Eburne’s ASAP/Journal won the 2018 Best New Journal award from the Council for Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ).

John Marsh has won the Outstanding Teacher Award for Tenure Line Faculty.

Sandy Spanier’s recent Kay Boyle: A Twentieth Century Life in Letters (University of Illinois Press, 2015), won honorable mention for the Morton N. Cohen Award of the MLA