Hemingway Letters Project

The Hemingway Letters Project received its largest grant to date from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), which will support the Project’s work over the next three years. This latest grant comes as part of the NEH’s “A More Perfect Union” Initiative, which endeavors to assist projects that help commemorate the upcoming 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. The grant will fund work on volumes six through eight of Hemingway’s letters, which continues apace under the direction of Sandra Spanier and her dedicated team. Congratulations to the Hemingway Letters Project for its ongoing work on one of American literary history’s most influential icons, and for the continued recognition of its efforts in pursuing that work!

The Hemingway Letters Project received its largest grant to date from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), which will support the Project’s work over the next three years. This latest grant comes as part of the NEH’s “A More Perfect Union” Initiative, which endeavors to assist projects that help commemorate the upcoming 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. The grant will fund work on volumes six through eight of Hemingway’s letters, which continues apace under the direction of Sandra Spanier and her dedicated team. Congratulations to the Hemingway Letters Project for its ongoing work on one of American literary history’s most influential icons, and for the continued recognition of its efforts in pursuing that work!