
Hester Blum’s newest book, The News at the Ends of the Earth: The Print Culture of Polar Exploration

Hester Blum’s newest book, The News at the Ends of the Earth: The Print Culture of Polar Exploration

Hester Blum

Hester Blum's newest book, The News at the Ends of the Earth: The Print Culture of Polar Exploration, details the various media produced by sailors on Arctic and Antarctic expeditions and is just out from Duke University Press. Hester has also been awarded a prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship for 2019-20, which will support work on her next book project. Congratulations, Hester, on both of these tremendous accomplishments!

Hester Blum

Hester Blum's newest book, The News at the Ends of the Earth: The Print Culture of Polar Exploration, details the various media produced by sailors on Arctic and Antarctic expeditions and is just out from Duke University Press. Hester has also been awarded a prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship for 2019-20, which will support work on her next book project. Congratulations, Hester, on both of these tremendous accomplishments!