Michael Anesko Publishes Cultural History of Henry James

Michael Anesko, Professor of English and American Studies, has published a new book on renowned late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century author Henry James. Henry James Framed: Material Representations of the Master considers the 24 portraits for which he sat throughout his life as an entry-point to better understanding James as both artist and artistic subject. The book has received advance praise from fellow James scholars like Philip Horne of University College London, who calls Anesko's work "a delightful, stimulating picture of this great novelist who was also an inveterate critic of art." Congratulations to Michael on the publication of this book, with its unique approach to better understanding one of the most influential English-language writers of the modern era!
Additionally, Anesko's work editing The Complete Letters of Henry James has been recognized by the MLA, which recently awarded him its Seal of Approval from the Committee on Scholarly Editions. Congratulations on this acknowledgement, Michael!

Michael Anesko, Professor of English and American Studies, has published a new book on renowned late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century author Henry James. Henry James Framed: Material Representations of the Master considers the 24 portraits for which he sat throughout his life as an entry-point to better understanding James as both artist and artistic subject. The book has received advance praise from fellow James scholars like Philip Horne of University College London, who calls Anesko's work "a delightful, stimulating picture of this great novelist who was also an inveterate critic of art." Congratulations to Michael on the publication of this book, with its unique approach to better understanding one of the most influential English-language writers of the modern era!
Additionally, Anesko's work editing The Complete Letters of Henry James has been recognized by the MLA, which recently awarded him its Seal of Approval from the Committee on Scholarly Editions. Congratulations on this acknowledgement, Michael!