Michael Bérubé, recipient of the 2021 ADE Francis Andrew March Award

The Association of Departments of English (ADE) named Michael Bérubé the recipient of the thirtieth annual Francis Andrew March Award, which each year seeks to highlight "as an ideal the scholar and teacher who accepts responsibility for strengthening the life and work of departments, the field, and the English studies community considered as a whole." In awarding Michael, the ADE recognizes his field-defining scholarship in the creation of disability studies as a humanities discipline and his service to the profession both at Penn State University, as chair of the Faculty Senate (2018-19), and beyond, in his tenure as MLA President (2012-13) and as a leading public voice supporting academic freedom. The ADE specifically cites Michael's staunch support, in these and other various roles, of contingent faculty members and students and faculty members with disability. Congratulations to Michael for such a momentous recognition!

The Association of Departments of English (ADE) named Michael Bérubé the recipient of the thirtieth annual Francis Andrew March Award, which each year seeks to highlight "as an ideal the scholar and teacher who accepts responsibility for strengthening the life and work of departments, the field, and the English studies community considered as a whole." In awarding Michael, the ADE recognizes his field-defining scholarship in the creation of disability studies as a humanities discipline and his service to the profession both at Penn State University, as chair of the Faculty Senate (2018-19), and beyond, in his tenure as MLA President (2012-13) and as a leading public voice supporting academic freedom. The ADE specifically cites Michael's staunch support, in these and other various roles, of contingent faculty members and students and faculty members with disability. Congratulations to Michael for such a momentous recognition!