New Poetry Collections, Keith Gilyard and Aldon Lynn Nielsen

Keith Gilyard’s “ambitious and energetic” Impressions: New and Selected Poems, out from Third World Press, finds its linguistic and ethical core in the “application of ‘chord inversions’ in the use of serving the urgent needs of Black lives.” In delighting readers with “dances with words, ideas, real life, practical clarifications, and humor,” Dr. Gilyard’s collection also “challenges his readers to act.”
As evinced by Back Pages: Selected Poems of A. L. Nielsen (BlazeVOX [books]), Aldon Nielsen’s poetry similarly performs a complex dance of poetic rhythm and social criticism. Edited by Jean Philippe-Marcoux, Back Pages includes poems from Dr. Nielsen’s previous nine poetry collections, a body of work spanning across four decades. Together, reviews Beth Joselow, they comprise an “Artful, musical, and deceptively gentle” collection with “an uncompromising moral purpose.”
Congratulations to Professor Gilyard and Professor Nielsen for these substantial collections of poetry!

Keith Gilyard’s “ambitious and energetic” Impressions: New and Selected Poems, out from Third World Press, finds its linguistic and ethical core in the “application of ‘chord inversions’ in the use of serving the urgent needs of Black lives.” In delighting readers with “dances with words, ideas, real life, practical clarifications, and humor,” Dr. Gilyard’s collection also “challenges his readers to act.”
As evinced by Back Pages: Selected Poems of A. L. Nielsen (BlazeVOX [books]), Aldon Nielsen’s poetry similarly performs a complex dance of poetic rhythm and social criticism. Edited by Jean Philippe-Marcoux, Back Pages includes poems from Dr. Nielsen’s previous nine poetry collections, a body of work spanning across four decades. Together, reviews Beth Joselow, they comprise an “Artful, musical, and deceptively gentle” collection with “an uncompromising moral purpose.”
Congratulations to Professor Gilyard and Professor Nielsen for these substantial collections of poetry!