Shara McCallum’s essay, “Through a Glass, Darkly,” published in the Autumn 2020 issue of The Southern Review, has won the annual Oran Robert Perry Burke Award.

Shara McCallum's essay, "Through a Glass, Darkly," published in the Autumn 2020 issue of The Southern Review, has won the annual Oran Robert Perry Burke Award. The essay is about racial identity, passing, and a father's death and is the titular essay from a collection in progress that explores race, migration, memory, and loss. A link to an interview where she discusses the essay can be found here. Congratulations, Shara!

Shara McCallum's essay, "Through a Glass, Darkly," published in the Autumn 2020 issue of The Southern Review, has won the annual Oran Robert Perry Burke Award. The essay is about racial identity, passing, and a father's death and is the titular essay from a collection in progress that explores race, migration, memory, and loss. A link to an interview where she discusses the essay can be found here. Congratulations, Shara!