Front and Center

Front and Center

Front and Center

The $120,000 grant will support the Initiative's MAP book series.
Global Asias Logo
Julia Kasdorf's fourth poetry collection addresses political issues while maintaining a personal voice.
Kasdorf Headshot
Shara McCallum was recognized by the Guggenheim Foundation for her accomplishments as a poet.
Shara McCallum
Heather Holleman's young adult novel was honored by Christianity Today's 2024 book awards.
Holleman Headshot
The Digital English Studio was recognized by the Consortium of Doctoral Programs in Rhetoric & Composition.
Digital English Studio
Rosa Eberly has digitized and made publicly accessible thousands of episodes of Harry Shearer's "Le Show."
Eberly Headshot
She joins six other new inductees in Literature and Language Studies.
Foreman MacArthur Grant