First Book Institute

The stakes of successful publishing by early career professors are more urgent than ever given the current state of higher education promotion and publishing. Responding to a glaring need in the field, the First Book Institute features workshops and presentations led by institute faculty aimed at assisting participants in transforming their book projects into ones that promise to make the most significant impact possible on the field and thus land them a publishing contract with a top university press.

A Discussion with Author Sunil Yapa

Sunil Yapa will be visiting the Freeman Auditorium in the HUB to be interviewed by WPSU and then will invite questions from the audience about his novel “Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of a Fist.”

“What is Activist Literature?” Roundtable

In Your Heart is a Muscle the Size of a Fist, Sunil Yapa reimagines the chaotic World Trade Organization (WTO) protests that took place in Seattle at the end of the twentieth century. Inspired by the novel’s themes of activism, protest, and community, this roundtable discussion will feature three invited panelists who will use the novel as a touchstone for a broader discussion centered on the question of what makes a piece of literature “activist”?

Centre County Reads Kickoff Event

Join Centre County Reads for hands-on community activism as area knitting clubs host a knit-a-thon. Knitters of all ages and experience levels will work on projects to donate to Housing Transitions, Inc.