
Funding Opportunities

Libraries, Archives, and Centers

Libraries, Archives, and Centers

CALS awards travel grants to graduate students wishing to conduct archival research. Below are some archives within easy travel distance of State College which may be of interest to Americanists. This list is not exhaustive, nor is travel funding limited to students pursuing research at the following archives. For full details of how to apply for a CALS research travel grant, please see here.




Washington, DC

New York City

New Jersey





Rhode Island

Smith Headshot

Justin Smith, a past CALS Graduate Research Assistant and recipient of CALS travel funding, has accepted a position at Randolph-Macon College, where he will serve as an Assistant Professor of English and Black Studies. Congratulations, Justin, on this fantastic job market success!

Evans Headshot

Sabrina Evans, winner of the 2022 CALS Summer Graduate Fellowship, has accepted a faculty position at Howard University, where she will serve as an Assistant Professor of English specializing in African American Literature. Howard is home to the Moorland Spingarn Research Center, whose archives are central to Sabrina's research. Congratulations, Sabrina, on this outstanding job market success!